Sunday, 21 May 2006
I am thankful to Elder/Sister Ott for the write-up of Helen's testimony, that I received in April. With the permission of Helen, I would like to share it with you.
14 Feb 2006 -Thay Family Interview, by Elder and Sister Ott, Miri Couple, Sarawak, East Malaysia.
With testimony strong and commitment since her baptism the 23 December 1996, Helen Baterisna Thay was the very first member of the Miri Branch, Sarawak-Kuching District, East Malaysia.
She reflects: "I was very unhappy, there were many challenges and struggles in my marriage at the time, Michael being Buddhist and myself, Roman Catholic, born in the Philippines. Michael mentioned that I should maybe go back to my church, but, for some reason that was not comforting to me. However, I did pray many of the set Catholic prayers.
One day I took my boys, Clever, 6 yrs. and Dave 5 yrs. for an outing to the Parkson to window shop. While walking around, I noticed an American senior couple. We exchanged a smile, I thought they were tourists. A few weeks later, at that location, I noticed this same couple again. This time, we exchanged, Hi, Hello.
Still, this being a sad time of my life I decided to pray very very hard. Only, this time I just talked to God from my heart. "Please, help me, please show me the way."
A couple of weeks later when I brought my boys to the Bulatan Park to play, again. I saw the same couple. Oh, Hi, it's you again, I said. They returned the greeting.
What are you doing here, I asked, are you tourists?
Couple: Are you Christian?
Yes, Roman Catholic.
Couple: We are missionaries.
What does a missionary do?
Couple: We are here to share a message about Jesus Christ.
When they said, Jesus Christ, they could tell that I was interested in listening. After a short visit and introductions, Elder and Sister Jeppesen invited me to their house in Piasau 11. They encouraged me to attend a sacrament meeting in their home. However I did not want to go. I kept ignoring the prompting for several weeks. Then, one day I had a strong feeling to go and visit them. That first time there was no lesson discussion, just a friendly visit. Elder and Sister Jeppesen began visiting me in my home. I was teachable. Michael noticed many good changes in me. He began to join us, but would not go to church with me.
Michael: "Due to my background, I had a fear of death all of my life. When I heard that families can be together forever, I felt a lot of joy. I have always worried about never seeing my grandfather again and also about losing my parents in future years."
Michael and I began attending the sacrament meetings together. There were actually only five of us (one other investigator, named Angela, was a school teacher).
Because I had been looking for the truth and help with my marriage, I strongly believed that my prayer had been answered and I wanted to be baptised. However, I waited until our wedding anniversary date in December. Michael needed a couple more lessons and he was baptised one month later on 23 January 1997. We were the first two members of the Miri branch.
Michael's parents opposed our decision and ceased to support us in any way. We struggled very much for nearly a year without employment. We had decided to go to the Philippines. We prayed to the Lord for help and direction. I prayed "If you want us to be here, Thy will be done". We were packed. We had sold everything we owned to scape enough money to move our little family from Miri. Then, the day before our scheduled leave, the phone rang. It was one of Michael's friends from Shell Oil Company. "Michael, you don't have to leave, there is a job here for you". Again, the Lord answered prayers. Michael paid his first tithing on his first pay check and has paid tithing ever since and our family has been greatly blessed.
Within six months Michael was called to be the first president of Miri branch.